Dog Bites



According to the United States Humane Society, about 47 percent of households in America own at least one
dog. Unfortunately, not all of these dog owners are as responsible as they should be when it comes to the
safety of their community.

Whether intentional or not, personal injury from a dog bite can be devastating, and owners must be held
accountable for the actions of their pets. While homeowners insurance might cover some of the financial
loss associate with a dog bite, it is often necessary to seek the representation of an experienced dog bites
attorney to be fully compensated.

No matter how much an owner insists that their dog is friendly, the fact is that animals are unpredictable,
and any animal can bite under the right circumstances.

Owners are legally obligated to keep their animals restrained on all public property, including parks not
specifically designated as dog parks. If you’ve been bitten or attacked by a dog, hold the responsible parties
accountable for their actions and get the compensation you deserve.
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